How to import csv file in python

How to import csv file in python:

In this section we will see how to import csv file using python

Importing CSV files in Python is crucial for handling data. Follow these steps for college students:

1. Install Pandas:
Before importing CSVs, install the Pandas library using `pip install pandas` in your terminal or command prompt.

2. Import Pandas:
In your Python script or Jupyter notebook, begin by importing Pandas with `import pandas as pd`.

3. Read CSV:
Utilize `pd.read_csv(‘filename.csv’)` to read your CSV file. Replace ‘filename.csv’ with your actual file name.

4. Data Preview:
To preview the data, add `print(data.head())`, displaying the first few rows. It aids in understanding the dataset structure.

5. Accessing Data:
Access specific columns using `data[‘column_name’]` or rows with `data.iloc[row_index]`.

6. **Data Manipulation:**
Employ Pandas functions to manipulate data, such as filtering, sorting, or creating new columns.

7. Save Changes:
After modifications, save your updated data to a new CSV file using `data.to_csv(‘new_file.csv’, index=False)`.

8. Error Handling:
Understand common errors like file not found or incorrect column names. Debug using error messages.

By mastering these steps, you can proficiently import and manage CSV data in Python for diverse analytical tasks.

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